Since 2014, the platform offers its customers the opportunity to transition to the dematerialisation of invoices.
Vincent Lehmann, General Director of LBI tells us 5 years later….
Our choice to dematerialise supplier invoices is mainly linked to a desire of optimising invoice flows. Electronic invoicing allows fast, simple and efficient management. We have gained in productivity.
E-invoicing has given us the means to automate the entire invoicing process and integrate customers and suppliers into a transparent end-to-end electronic process.
The organisation of internal processes has been our priority area, contributing to the strengthening of service quality in customer/supplier relations.
Supporting change has been the main challenge. In fact, the implementation of a dematerialisation project has a strong impact on the operational teams involved in the supplier process, as they have to familiarise themselves with a new tool, adopt new operating methods, occasionally changing interlocutors and reviewing their most ingrained work habits.
The main resources are in the IT department.
DiaGDirect is a guarantee of reliability and strength thanks to the mutualisation of resources alongside suppliers. A unique platform for 26 companies allows to standardise and therefore harmonise exchanges, facilitate technical evolutions and perpetuate a solution.
We have absorbed more than 25% of the increase in turnover with a stable workforce since 2014.
A centralised management of registrations would allow us to manage 1 catalogue for all LBI members, which would facilitate the administration of the tool, the monitoring and the tracking of orders.
We’ve experienced a 30% productivity increase per FTE; we used to have 3 people on data entry before, now we have only 2. As a result, resources have been redirected to higher value-added tasks.